1: 1. Contact information Include your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile.

2: 2. Professional summary Highlight your skills, experience, and career goals in a brief paragraph.

3: 3. Work experience List your previous jobs in reverse chronological order with bullet points.

4: 4. Education Include your degree, major, college name, and graduation year.

5: 5. Skills Highlight relevant skills such as language proficiency, computer programs, and certifications.

6: 6. Achievements List any awards, recognitions, or accomplishments relevant to the job.

7: 7. Volunteer experience Include any charitable or community work to showcase your values and interests.

8: 8. References Provide contact information for professional references who can vouch for your work ethic.

9: 9. Additional sections Consider adding sections for hobbies, languages spoken, or personal interests to show your well-rounded personality.

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